Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sarasota Florida Hybrid Gas & Electric Water Heaters:

Hybrid Gas and Electric Water Heaters represent the newest water heating technology and they offer huge energy savings. It seems hard to believe but, even though water heaters are the second largest energy consumer in most homes, Energy Star did not start regulating their efficiency until 2008. This action prompted a movement to design higher efficiency water heaters like the new hybrid systems.

Sarasota Water Conservation Tips for your Home and Garden

These easy-to-follow tips will help you save you money and protect the environment.


•    Flushing: A single flush can down several gallons of water. Keep a wastebasket in the bathroom so you are not tempted to flush a single tissue and don’t ever flush sanitary products, diapers, cotton balls, cotton swabs, or anything other than toilet paper down the toilet, it’s bad for the plumbing and it wastes water.

•    Brushing: Don’t leave the water running while you brush. You only need it on while you rinse and maybe for a second if you like to wet the toothpaste before brushing.

•    Showering: Keep a bucket handy so you can collect the water that is not warm enough to shower in. You can use the collected water for gardening, cleaning, or even to flush the toilet. Shutting the water off while you lather up will save a lot of water too.

•     ashing Dishes: Use a tub for dishes that need soaking and keep the water off while scrubbing, you only need it for rinsing.

•    Boiling Water: Save the water used for boiling eggs or steaming vegetables to water plants.

•    Installing Regulators: Faucet regulators will keep the water from shooting out at full strength and prevent waste.


•    Watering: Watering in the mornings, when it is not as hot out, means that the water will not evaporate as quickly, so the roots stay healthy throughout the day, and don’t just shoot a stream of water across the yard, aim the water at base of the plants, where it’s needed most.

•    Irrigating: Drip irrigation systems are easily installed and they can help you conserve water.

Professional Plumbing & Design carries all major brands of Electric, Natural Gas, Propane/LP Gas, Solar and Hybrid Water Heaters including Tankless Water Heaters for Commercial and Residential use.

Call the professionals at 941-355-5400; we can help you figure out the best option for you.

For more information on water heaters - please visit our website: Professional Plumbing and Design - Sarasota Florida

Why replace your Sarasota water heater when you can repair it for a fraction of the cost?

The answer is simple; your old water heater may be costing you more than think.

From baths and showers to dishwashing and laundry, we depend on our water heaters more than we might realize. In a typical home, the electric water heater accounts for approximately 14% of the total energy bill.

Water Heaters are not a one-size-fits-all appliance. There are a variety of factors to consider when choosing a new water heater and that is why it is important to have a knowledgeable and trustworthy professional to guide you through the selection process.

Water heaters are also available in the traditional tank style and tankless. Tankless models offer increased efficiency because you are only heating the water that you consume and they offer an endless supply of hot water in a much smaller package. Tankless water heaters also last twice as long as the tank style water heaters and the warranties range from 3 to 12 years. 

Professional Plumbing & Design carries all major brands of Electric, Natural Gas, Propane/LP Gas, Solar and Hybrid Water Heaters including Tankless Water Heaters for Commercial and Residential use.

Call the professionals at 941-355-5400; we can help you figure out the best option for you.

For more information on water heaters - please visit our website: Professional Plumbing and Design - Sarasota Florida

Sarasota Solar Water Heating Systems

Did you know that a conventional electric water heater uses as much energy as an automobile?

On average, a family of four uses about 80 gallons of hot water per day. The energy required to heat that water is equivalent to the 11.4 barrels of oil required to power a vehicle that gets 22 mpg for a year (12,000 miles). In other words, installing a Solar Water Heating System has the same environmental impact as removing an average car from the road.

Professional Plumbing and Design is based in Sarasota Florida. We offer residential and commercial plumbing services for Sarasota and the surrounding areas including Bradenton, Palmetto, and Venice.
If you are in need of a Plumbing Contractor – call the professionals at 941-355-5400, or click here to schedule a service call.

#sarasota #plumbing

Sarasota Tankless Gas and Electric Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters offer an endless supply of hot water in a much smaller package than conventional water heaters and, with a typical lifespan of 20 years or more, Tankless systems last twice as long as conventional tank-style water heaters.

The small size of the Tankless units and their concentric venting system allow you to strategically place them on virtually any wall for maximum performance and energy efficiency. You can seamlessly connect multiple units for use in larger homes and exterior units can even be painted and textured to match your home’s exterior!

Professional Plumbing and Design is based in Sarasota Florida. We offer residential and commercial plumbing services for Sarasota and the surrounding areas including Bradenton, Palmetto, and Venice.
If you are in need of a Plumbing Contractor – call the professionals at 941-355-5400, or click here to schedule a service call.